Harken back to the olde ways with Plunder & Flagons!
Simple, fun, and without limits. This pants-kicking, world-tripping, dungeoncrawling madness from Battleaxes and Brimstone strikes the balance between a fantasy board game and tabletop roleplaying game.
Inside this wacky tome you'll find:
Low barrier to entry with an intuitive, low count, d6 dice pool
Clear, one-page layout for each class, with a wealth of options for customization
Character Styles to make training and personality meaningful
Unique weapons with individual critical hit and combat options
A simple and powerful magic system
Wide open spell selections to allow characters to start play with heavy-hitting spells
Meaningful downtime activities for character improvement
Plenty of the classic magic items you've come to expect, and a few more to boot
Built-in design mechanics to make adventure creation a breeze
Loads of monsters with crazy traits, insights, and an aggro mode for advanced challenges
Random d66 tables make a GM's job easier and a player's life hell:
Questcraft and hooks
Encounter Locations and Themes
Room Design
Tricks and Traps
Treasure Rolls
Inspiration for Monster Creation
Monster Encounters